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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a haircut and a trim?

There is no difference between a trim and a haircut. When asked if they need a haircut with their color, some clients will respond “no, I just need a trim”. I know you hate to hear this, but a “trim” that removes one quarter inch takes just as long as a haircut that removes ten inches. Sometimes it takes longer, because of the precision involved in cutting a tiny amount all around. 

How long will my haircolor last?

If you use high quality products (shampoos, conditioners, and styling aids) specifically designed for colored hair, your hair color should last from 4 to 8 weeks, with 5 to 6 being typical. That’s a big range, but the variance has to do with your tolerance for fading, how often you wash your hair, how hot the water is and how much you’re in the sun. Water is the main culprit, but if you use inexpensive shampoos with detergents, your hair color will simply not last as long. A cheap non-color safe shampoo can strip red in one washing. You may think I am saying that in order to get you to buy the better stuff from the salon, but the higher detergent drugstore type shampoos will truly strip your color quickly. Also, conditioners with a high paraffin content will bind to your color and make it wash out more quickly.

What does corrective color mean?

Merely that something has been done to your hair that makes it necessary to involve a colorist who is truly at the top of the profession. When your hair needs corrective coloring, you want somebody that’s seen it all, knows how to fix it, and isn’t going to make it worse. You also need someone that’s going to be absolutely honest about the results you can expect. 

Like all of my services, corrective coloring is priced according to time. It typically takes longer because there are more steps involved, but some corrective color services can be done in the same amount of time as a normal color.

What is the difference between foiling and balayage in dimensional hair color?

I love dimensional hair color, and we know many, many different ways to take you from where you are to where you want to be. Sometimes that entails highlighting your hair by weaving it and wrapping it in foils. This allows the color to be very precise. Depending on how much of your hair is highlighted and how many foils are placed, you may receive a full or partial foil.  This can be discussed during your consultation.Balayage is a technique in which color is literally painted onto the hair. It produces a more sun-kissed look, and the technique is used to create more lived in looking color. Again, a full or partial application may be necessary, depending on what you’re going for. I think it’s great if you come in with an ideas! Trust me and I’ll choose the method that is most suitable for you.

Why is there a range for color pricing?

There is a range for color pricing because there are many variables that affect our cost to perform the service. One variable is time. Longer, thicker hair takes longer. It takes more individual foils, more brush strokes and more of everything else, which adds to the time. Special effects and precise pattern placements can also take longer. Additionally, the more hair you have, the more product we use on it.  Upon request, a quote for your color service will be provided.

What's your cancellation policy?

I fully appreciate the need for flexibility in my clients’ hectic schedules and respect how valuable their time is. I try to make every attempt to accommodate client schedules and would ask that you, as a client do the same. If you must reschedule or cancel your appointment, please notify me 24 hours in advance to avoid a 50% charge for these services. 

What if I'm late to my appointment?

I can usually make it work, but if you are more than fifteen minutes late, you may be asked to reschedule. I am scheduled with back to back appointments, which means if I start one guest late, every guest after that will be seen late. Sometimes I can catch up, sometimes I can’t, depending on what type of appointments are scheduled after yours. I will make every effort to accommodate late clients, but if you are late, and starting your service late would result in us being late to every guest after you, you will be required to reschedule.

What should I do if I'm not happy?

Please let me know. I need to know or I can’t do anything about it. I really go out of my way to make my clients happy and when someone isn’t, I will do what it takes to make the situation better. Most clients that aren’t happy tend to go away quietly, because they are afraid of the confrontation that might ensue if they express their concerns. Please believe me when I tell you that I consider it a favor when you tell me about something I didn’t do well. I will not be confrontational,  I will not make you feel bad for saying what you feel. But you must please tell me.



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